Monday, October 1, 2012

ASPCA raises TNR clinic prices

New Yorkers pay to volunteer - did the economy bounce back while i wasn't looking?

(a letter from our founder and director)

hi folks-
so...the good news is that we have been making great use of the new ASPCA MASH clinics on SI (let's hope they continue)

the not so good news is that the ASPCA has announced that they will hike their TNR clinic services prices for 2013 - - - don't worry, surgery/rabies/ear-tip will remain $5.00/cat

Revolution will be raised from $10 to $15 (a 50% cost increase)

FVRCP will be raised from $5 to a whopping $15 (a 200% cost increase!)

what this means is that the cost of surgery/rabies/ear-tip/fvrcp/revo combined will climb from it's current $20 to $35/cat (yes, that's a 75% cost increase, which is truly ludicrous.)