Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What TNR can do for YOU!

(and the cats in your life)

Curly, July 2012
This past summer, I came downstairs one morning to find a new cat huddled outside our back door.  His head was two sizes too large for his scrawny frame, and his face bore the scratches so common among young males on the street, trying to eke out their place in the 'hood.  I immediately gave him two things - food, and the next spot on my mental to "do" list.  The first, he gobbled down with great enthusiasm.  The second, he was blissfully unaware of.

Curly, February 2013
Eight months later, Curly is the biggest, handsomest cat on the block, sporting his ear-tip like a proper badge of honor...and is a perfect gentleman to our resident colony "queen" Peaches.  She often lets him eat right beside her at mealtime.  I'd almost forgotten that scared adolescent when I found the photos...and had to share. In this case, a picture really is worth a thousand words. That's a happy cat.

Do you have an amazing "before and after?"  We'd love to hear about it, and see pictures...send to us at, and let us know if we have your permission to share!